Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Lilly Kohana Rose Arwen Hann

It has been 3 weeks and one day yesterday that Lilly arrived in our lives... and kept me more than busy. She's asleep beside me at the moment which is close to a miracle because she has been waking up to feed every single time I managed to get to the library to write here and finally put some pictures of her... That makes her sound bad, which she isn't, we actually are the happy parents of a fantastic baby girl who only wakes once at night (something that trust me is hugely appreciated after two nights at the hospital where the other babies were waking up every 5 minutes one after the other the whole night till 6am when they'd finally'd think you could yourself finally close an eyelid only to be suddenly greeted good morning by a nurse bringing you breakfast and asking how your little darling had fed and pooped that night -you would feel like knocking the head of that poor nurse off with her notepad if you weren't too tired just then-), is a huge fan of her daddy (she will stop crying if he holds her, she will go back to sleep staright after he fed her at night, she will be happy and all smiles and gazes if he plays with her, she is a daddy's little girl, no one else can calm her like he can), and loves being admired at and held. She is a little angel, with big blue eyes and blonde hair just now, a good appetite for life, and a strong little mind with a will of her own ( I also need to mention she is a milk junkie who will drink more than she can take but will frown at you if you stop or only think of pulling the milk away in whichever form it comes). I will write more about her but sadly the libary will be closed soon so I'm going to stop and put a few pictures of our little sweetie pie...
Lilly brand new born, on the 3rd of July 2012, 6lbs10oz
Lilly 1 day old at the hospital on Daddy's chest

Lilly arriving home

Lilly playing with Daddy

Daring you to change that nappy!


  1. Nice to hear from you and see that cute little girl finally! I thought you could use the internet at home, so I understand now why it took so long ;).
    I think she really looks like you, especially on the 2nd and 5th pic, she has your eyes and mouth! Well sorry for Simon, since I have never seen him I can't really say haha. But I'm sure she has something from him too, of course!

    When Mya was born I went home a few hours later at 4am and got visit from the nurse at 8am and I didn't have a real night sleep for the next 9 months. So you can imagine how tired I was! I hope she sleeps thru the night soon ;). And that you are feeling good now.
    Take care you 3!

  2. AHH!! Nahomie!! I'm so happy to see you've delivered a beautiful baby girl!! and what a precious name! She looks a lot like you :) So gorgeous. I'm glad to see you've taken on motherhood like a pro. Love you, girl xoxo
